Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher Training

Take your Reiki journey to transcendent heights through our comprehensive Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher program. Unlock the profound art of facilitating soul-level healing transformations.

The Essence of Karuna

Karuna is a Sanskrit word that translates to "compassionate action" or any act that aims to alleviate the suffering of others. This concept is deeply rooted in the philosophical and spiritual traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. According to these teachings, when individuals attain enlightenment, they realize the interconnectedness of all beings, and it becomes natural to extend compassion and aid to others without distinction, as helping others is akin to helping oneself.

Karuna Reiki® is a system that enables practitioners to work more closely with the supreme being and channel this compassionate energy for the benefit of all. The Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher Class is designed for those who have already attained the Reiki Master level and wish to deepen their practice..

In this class, students learn to utilize eight practitioner symbols, one Master symbol, four Ignitions (including the World Peace Ignition), and two meditations guided by the Holy Fire® consciousness. Additionally, they are taught techniques to protect themselves from negative influences and to heal from the adverse effects of others.

Furthermore, the class incorporates World Peace Karuna Reiki® energy, which carries the qualities of the Holy Fire® III energy and a higher vibration that actively cultivates feelings of peace within each student. The Empowered by the River of Peace Experience and the World Peace Ignition establish and strengthen this energy, empowering students to actively manifest peace in the world and teach the World Peace version of the class to others.

Comprehensive Training

Our immersive curriculum covers:

  • Conducting all Reiki placements, experiences, and meditations
  • Effective spirit release techniques
  • Developing a professional Reiki practice
  • Code of ethics and standard practices
  • Extensive practice sessions and knowledge exchange

Upon completion of the class, students are equipped to use the Karuna symbols in their Reiki sessions and teach all levels of Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki®, as well as Reiki I&II and Reiki Master as Holy Fire® III World Peace classes.

A Nurturing Environment

Our intimate class setting fosters a supportive, collaborative space for experienced Reiki practitioners and teachers to deepen their wisdom. Through interactive discussions and personalized guidance, you'll refine your spiritual orientation, intuitive abilities, and commitment to walking the enlightened path of a true Reiki Master.

Embark on this transformative journey and unlock your full potential as a Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher, radiating compassion and peace to uplift humanity.

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